Of all the changes we want to make this one is the easiest and the most logical because it costs you money. Every time there are disputes, or complaints, issues with the board or HR it has cost you unbudgeted money. When the board are setting Honoraria or budgets they can effectively just ignore the advice of professionals and staff. So last year the board held an SGM (AGAIN) to approve an Advisory Group.
In 2024 we want to transfer ore powers to that group and set it up in a meaningful way but not something that stops the students from making decisions
The Advisory Board would be made up of the Director of Student Services, the WSU Solicitor, and an independent WSU Trustee.
- Make Recommendations and review board honoraria
- Make Recommendations and review the budget
- Conduct annual GM Performance reviews
- Receive and manage all WSU staff and board disputes escalated past the GM
- Receive and manage all WSU complaints escalated past the GM
- Appoint a returning officer for the election
- Receive and manage any election integrity issues