If you are a fan of the WSU you know that no one wants to have another SGM less than we do. The idea of 250 students in a room with pizza and drinks talking about more changes is not our idea of fun. 


Recent changes to the Incorporated Societies Act mean we need to change the way we do some things and instead of doing them each year we thought we would ask you what you want and do EVERYTHING at once. Then have a celebratory half trimester party afterwards. 


The boring part is that SOON we are going to be LEGALLY REQUIRED TO present our financial accounts no later than six months after the end of the financial year. So instead of just moving our State of The Union AGM to June we thought we would look at the whole system, accountabilities and governance. What we came up with was too sections. The  stuff we broadly agree on that we think are common sense changes that benefit everyone, though you can tell us if we are wrong. And  the bigger question of how you want to be represented moving forward? 

So the next few weeks every time the WSU talks to you whether it is through prize loaded surveys, talking points or meetings we will be talking about this but it is important to remember…WE DON’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING YET IF WE DON’T WANT.  That can be future WSU’s problem but the clock is running.


View our constitution here

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